Did you know?

Pomelo not only offers an immense of health benefits, but there are many other useful uses of it too!

1. Remove odour

Skin peeled from a fresh pomelo has a mild pleasant scent that can effectively remove odours! Simply put some of these peeled pomelo skin in the refrigerator, kitchen, shoe cabinet, or newly renovated house as a natural deodorant to freshen the air! 

2. Cleaning

Boil the pomelo skin in a pot of water for 30 minutes. Then, pour the water into the drainage hole or sink in your house to remove unpleasant smell and dirt. Alternatively letting the boil comes to a cool, you can use the water and wipe wooden furniture, which can brighten the furniture and leave a mild fragrance. This is especially suitable for teak furniture.

3. Pest prevention

Cut the pomelo skin into smaller pieces and place it in a nylon mesh bag. Put it in the corner of the cabinets or corner of the house to prevent insects, or even put it in the rice bucket to prevent small insects from infesting.

However, this temporary solution can only last up to 3 days.